Human Health Research Hub

This page provides data management support for the Liggins LifePath Group and the Human Health Research Hub.

System outages

In the event of a system failure, meaning you cannot access the randomisation system for your study, please randomly allocate a study arm (eg by tossing a coin or using a random number generator). If you are allocating study drugs to a participant, then please choose one at random. Please keep a note of the patient ID and the randomisation arm or study drug number on the label and email as soon as possible. We will update your study details as soon as possible. If you need to speak to someone, please phone 022 0956290.

Recruitment Completed

The following studies have completed recruitment.

Ongoing Recruitment

Click on the study logo below to begin randomisation.

Expression of interest PhD

Research projects available now

LiFePATH Data Management

Research Hub Wiki

Liggins REDCap

Test and Stage

REDCap Development

Study and Hospital Code

Liggins Folder Access

Timesheet - Data Team

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